WdKA Hogeschool Rotterdam
LinkedIn Learning

Dear student, dear user,

By clicking ‘Accept’ below you confirm that you have carefully read and understood the following.

LinkedIn Learning is a non EU company with all of their data stored on non EU soil. This means that some of your information is stored on servers that are non-compliant with EU law.

Willem de Kooning Academy Hogeschool Rotterdam is required to follow EU’s privacy policy which states that privacy information should not be stored on non EU soil. See the ‘Privacy’ page on Hint for more information on how Hogeschool Rotterdam protects its students privacy.

The information stored by LinkedIn Learning is mainly what you watch, when you watch, on what device you watch and where (in the video) you stopped watching. This information is considered as ‘Non-Personally Identifiable Information’. You can review LinkedIn Learning their ‘User agreement’, ‘Website Use Policy’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ for more information.

LinkedIn Learning is the best provider for this type of content and is thereby the best choice for the students of the Willem de Kooning Academy. There is no EU privacy policy compliant alternative to LinkedIn Learning that delivers the same quality of content as of yet.

In short, LinkedIn Learning is not compliant with the EU piracy policy and making use of LinkedIn Learning should be done with this in mind. Use LinkedIn Learning at your own risk and responsibility.